- BROWNE JENKYN are also involved in
Dave and Eileen
are drummers with the FIRST BATTALION NEW JERSEY
VOLUNTEERS (1st NJV), a loyalist group of course. Check the Browne Jenkyn performance list on the home page for battle
re-enactments in which we participate, or check out the 1st NJV web site to find out more
about the re-enactment group, and even how you can join (anybody want
to be a fifer?). On occasion Brown Jenkyn will perform
at local historical sites, these will be listed in our
"GIGS" section.

- BROWNE JENKYN can also be seen lurking
around and playing their music at local renaissance fairs.
Be sure to check our "GIGS" section to find out about these
- LESSONS - Dave and Del give lessons for various
percussion instruments.
Dave-drumset, bodhran Del-bodhran, bones
private lessons call Dave or Del at 609-324-9134
- Dave, a multi-talented percussionist, also plays drums
for a couple of local rock and blues bands.
If you want
to find out where they are playing, here's how to contact
them... THE TERRAPLANES- 609-275-0776 THE ROAD
RUNNERS BLUES BAND- 609-324-9134.